Victorian Camera: the PEIB logo Photographs Exhibited in Britain 1839 - 1865
Records from Victorian Exhibition Catalogues

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Cat.No. Exhibition Exhibit Title Process
851 1858, London, Photographic Society Bataille d'Inkermann, par G. Doré Collodion
847 1858, London, Photographic Society Côté droit du Salon Collodion
830 1858, London, Photographic Society Cadre contenant 1e la reproduction d'un dessin d'architecture; 2e la reproduction de la prise de Malakoff, tableau peint par Yvon et photographiè par Bingham Eliographie sur acier (procédé de Ch. Nègre
827 1858, London, Photographic Society Cadre contenant 2 dètails de la Cathèdrale de Chartres, une reproduction de plan et la reproduction d'une charte sur parchemin Eliographie sur acier (procèdè de Ch. Nègre
829 1858, London, Photographic Society Cadre contenant des détails de la Cathédrale de Chartres et divers specimens de travaux différents Eliographie sur acier (procédé de Ch. Nègre
826 1858, London, Photographic Society Cathédrale de Chartres ['Photographies gravées se tirant par l'encre d'imprimerie obtenues par le procede de Ch. Nègre.'] Eliographie sur acier (procédé de Ch. Nègre
828 1858, London, Photographic Society Détails de la Cathédrale de Chartres Eliographie sur acier (procévdé de Ch. Nègr
870 1858, London, Photographic Society Interiéur de Pêcheurs, par Hocker Collodion
54 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
134 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
137 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
141 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
156 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
224 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
259 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
266 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
275 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
399 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
624 1852, London, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
240 1853, London, Photographic Institution Missing from Sequence
22 1854, 2nd Tour, 2nd Set, Society of Arts Missing from Sequence
227 1855, Glasgow, British Association Missing from Sequence
442 1855, Glasgow, British Association Missing from Sequence
415 1855, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
419 1855, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
566 1856, Edinburgh, Photographic Society of Scotland Missing from Sequence
777 1856, Edinburgh, Photographic Society of Scotland Missing from Sequence
352 1856, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
359 1856, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
109-122 1856, Manchester, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
393-394 1856, Manchester, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
348 1856, Norwich, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
191 1857, Birmingham, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
289 1857, Birmingham, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
878 1858, Edinburgh, Photographic Society of Scotland Missing from Sequence
34 1859, Aberdeen, British Association Missing from Sequence
235 1859, Aberdeen, British Association Missing from Sequence
405 1859, Aberdeen, British Association Missing from Sequence
674 1859, Glasgow, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
458 1861, London, Architectural Photographic Association Missing from Sequence
462 1861, London, Architectural Photographic Association Missing from Sequence
173 1863, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
424 1863, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
643 1863, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence
236 1864, London, Photographic Society Missing from Sequence Not Listed
60 1865, Dublin, International Exhibition Missing from Sequence
115-120 1865, Dublin, International Exhibition Missing from Sequence
183 1858, London, Architectural Photographic Association (1) Missing from Sequence
184 1858, London, Architectural Photographic Association (1) Missing from Sequence
289 1858, London, Architectural Photographic Association (1) Missing from Sequence
344-349 1858, London, Architectural Photographic Association (2) Missing from Sequence
858 1858, London, Photographic Society Molière (le Contemplateur) et les Caractères de ses Comédies, par Geffroy Collodion
16 1852, London, Society of Arts Porcelain Jars, from Sevrés Paper
853 1858, London, Photographic Society Prise de Zaatcha (Afrique), par Beaucé Collodion
682 1863, London, Photographic Society Six Stereoscopic Views Morphine Dry Process
722 1863, London, Photographic Society Specimen of Heliographical Printing from Steel Plates. Prepared by C. Nègre's Process. Prize Medal Nègre's Process
723 1863, London, Photographic Society Specimen of Heliographical Printing from Steel Plates. Prize Medal Nègre's Process
731 1863, London, Photographic Society Specimens of Heliographical Printing from Steel Plates. Prize Medal Nègre's Process
732 1863, London, Photographic Society Specimens of Heliographical Printing from Steel Plates. Prize Medal Nègre's Process
734 1863, London, Photographic Society Specimens of Heliographical Printing from Steel Plates. Prize Medal Nègre's Process
717 1863, London, Photographic Society Steel Plates engraved for Printing, by Charles Negre's Heliographic Process. Prize Medal C. Nègre's Process
718 1863, London, Photographic Society Steel Plates engraved for Printing, by Charles Negre's Heliographic Process. Prize Medal C. Nègre's Process
2 1854, London, Photographic Society Table in Silver 'Repoussé' Work: date 1660. Arm-chair, Stools, &c., covered with purple velvet; date 1580 Collodion
792 1858, London, Photographic Society Un cadre contenant divers spécimens de photographies, obtenues sur pierre avec le négatif et tirées avec l'encre d'imprimerie Lithophotographie
793 1858, London, Photographic Society Un cadre contenant divers spécimens de photographies, obtenues sur pierre avec le négatif et tirées avec l'encre d'imprimerie Lithophotographie
794 1858, London, Photographic Society Un cadre contenant divers spécimens de photographies, obtenues sur pierre avec le négatif et tirées avec l'encre d'imprimerie Lithophotographie
795 1858, London, Photographic Society Un cadre contenant divers spécimens de photographies, obtenues sur pierre avec le négatif et tirées avec l'encre d'imprimerie Lithophotographie
831 1858, London, Photographic Society Une planche Eliographique damasquinee et gravée par le procédé de Ch. Nègre Eliographie sur acier (procédé de Ch. Nègre
832 1858, London, Photographic Society Une planche Eliographique damasquinee et gravée par le procédé de Ch. Nègre Eliographie sur acier (procèdè de Ch. Nègre
833 1858, London, Photographic Society Une planche Eliographique damasquinee et gravée par le procédé de Ch. Nègre Eliographie sur acier (procédé de Ch. Nègre
679 1856, Manchester, Photographic Society Vallei Superiéure de l'Ober Hasley, alt. 1900 metres Collodion
185 1854, London, Photographic Society View on the Pyrenees - The Gorge of Estaufié Talbotype
73 1854, Dundee, Royal Infirmary Fund View on the Pyrenees-the Gorge of Estaufié Talbotype

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