Record 122 of 857
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Mr White's universally Adjustable Camera (See below) IMPROVED CAMERA The improvements consist, Ist, In its being adapted for either Landscape of Portrait lens; 2nd, In the construction of the dark cell being adapted for using different sizes of glasses without the inconvenience of separate slips for each size; 3d, In being a spring motion given to the ground glass, whereby it is not necessary to remove it from the Camera in order to put the dark cell in its place; 4th, In a set of motions whereby the ground glass may in focussing be angled either vertically or horizontally - the dark cell taking the same angle when it is placed; 5th, In a new sliding movement for regulating the expansion of the Camera, fitted with a screw, enabling the operator to use the utmost precision in focussing. The instrument is also fitted with a double sliding front for taking stereoscopic pictures. |
Process: |
Not Listed [Apparatus] |
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Exhibitor: |
J. White, Renfield St, Glasgow |
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