Victorian Camera: the PEIB logo Photographs Exhibited in Britain 1839 - 1865
Records from Victorian Exhibition Catalogues

This is a research database containing individual records for over 20 000 photographic exhibits drawn from forty exhibition catalogues published between 1839 - 1865.

It was created by Roger Taylor and originally published under the same title in book form by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 2002.

Detail of crowds at the Society of Arts Exhibition, London, 1852
For: In:
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List Exhibitions
List Photographers
List Processes
List Original Prices

Catalogue of the Society of Arts Exhibition, London, 1852.

The information in presented by exhibition, photographer, process and prices, where known.

You can list the catalogues by order of exhibition date or location.

You can list the photographers who exhibited their work.

You can also list the processes to sort the records by the various photographic processes used.

Or sort the records by the original price of each exhibit (where listed) in guineas, pounds, shillings and pence.

Some small changes have been made to the content of the original book.

De Montfort University Kraszna - Krausz Foundation National Gallery of Canada